Encouraging Words

I was beginning to doubt that the time and expense of five years of hard work and sacrifice to get my engineering degree would ever pay off. When I was really down and feeling hopeless about finding a job, my father always encouraged me and told me not to give up on my dreams. Many times we had a heart to heart talks especially when my father and I went to his congregation in the mountains for a church. That was a really good time for us to talk.

Since we didn’t have the money to pay for transportation we had a really long road to walk. To pass the time, we would talk about many things. I can still remember when my father told me if I was specific when praying, God would give what I asked. Right after he said that something clicked. I kept thinking about it and then I knew, yes, Papa was right.

Encouraging Words

I was beginning to doubt that the time and expense of five years of hard work and sacrifice to get my engineering degree would ever payoff.  When I was really down and feeling hopeless about finding a job, my father always encouraged me and told me not to give up on my dreams.  Many times we had heart to heart talks especially when my father and I went to his congregation in the mountains for church.  That was a really good time for us to talk.  Since we didn’t have the money to pay for transportation we had a really long road to walk.  To pass the time, we would talk about many things.  I can still remember when my father told me if I was specific when praying, God would give what I asked.  Right after he said that, something clicked.  I kept thinking about it and then I knew, yes, Papa was right.

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