Fighting Winter Dry Skin Itch

Dry Body OilI did not have severe skin dryness problems when I was growing up in the Philippines. The only skin problem I have ever had was easily solved with just a few applications of a moisturizing lotion.

Now that I live here in northern Minnesota, winter is the only time of the year that I experience problems with dry skin. The low humidity inside along with the freezing cold dry wind outside, causes my skin to be dry, flaky and itchy. Sometimes it is so bad that I have trouble sleeping at night. I have to keep applying lotion to my skin everyday and sometimes, twice a day in order to get by. If you have the same problems as I have, I may have discovered a few tips that will help you out.

Winter Skin Tips

Here are my simple tips to keep my skin from getting too dry:

* Add humidity – We have a portable humidifier but with my hubby’s grandson moving in with his stuff and also, bringing the stuff up from his deceased son’s place, we can’t find it right now. It was in the living room but between all the extra stuff and our remodeling projects, it is probably buried under other stuff right now.

* Use a moisturizer – I use a heavy moisturizing lotion and a dry body oil. I am currently using the Monoi de Tahiti from Yves Rocher oil along with a generic aloe vera lotion. They have been really helpful. The oil is light and very easy to apply without feeling greasy.

* Limit Showers or Baths – I tried to be quick taking showers and baths but having long hair is not helpful. I spend a lot of time in the shower because of my hair. As soon as I get out, I moisturize my skin right away while still damp.

Fortunately, even though I am dealing with a dry skin problem at this time of the year, I don’t have to deal with dandruff. Flare-ups usually happen in the dry winter months and usually they don’t only appear on scalp but on the nose, eyebrows, ears and many different areas. I apply oil to my neck and back before going to bed or else I can’t sleep.