Take Control of Your Money & Finances with The Control Prepaid Mastercard®

This post is made in partnership with The Network Niche Influencer Agency and the ControlTM Prepaid Mastercard®. All opinions are my own. I have a few big expenses coming up in the near future.  Mostly those expenses are my college tuition fees for the next three semesters.  I…

5 Reasons Why You Should Have A Katana Sword In Your House

Katana or samurai sword is a Japanese sword by excellence, and it is a slightly curved single-edged sabre. It is the most intricately hand-designed weapon that the samurai people fought for a long time in Japan. It is known as an ancient element for interior design in modern…

What is the purpose of a prenuptial agreement and how do I know if I need one?

Whether we want to think about it or not, divorce happens, and while the divorce rate in America has been falling slightly in recent years, the fact remains that over one and a half million people choose divorce each year. The process can be messy, with couples disagreeing over the…

How Do I Handle My Credit After a Bankruptcy?

A bankruptcy can devastate your credit score upon filing, but it’s not all doom and gloom after that. Sometimes filing for bankruptcy can drop your credit score upon filing, but upon receiving a discharge and having some of your debts discharged, your credit score can jump up even higher…

Find Our Which Diamond You Should Choose According To Your Star Sign

When choosing a piece of diamond jewellery, or even a diamond engagement ring, finding the perfect cut for you (or whoever you’re buying for) is essential. There are many things to consider when picking your diamond cut, but why not look to the stars for some guidance? Read on…

Bennet Schwartz Shares Best Tips to Succeed in Your Career

It is a reality in life that the richest people are those who are engaged in business! The billionaires and millionaires of the world own multiple businesses. So, can ordinary people still succeed in life and become rich? The answer is a big resounding, “Yes!” Of course, that still depends…

Finding the Right Tech Solutions for Your Business

No matter what kind of business you are doing these days, you will most likely need some kind of technology to help you out. If you’re an online seller, you need to connect to the web to order your supplies, accept orders, and send out your items to your…