Tips for Tightening the Skin on Your Face or Body

When it comes to skin tightening treatments, there are two important things to keep in mind above all others. The first is that there are many treatments available to you, not just one. The second is that any part of your body that has loose skin can potentially be treated, not just your face. With those two things in mind, here are some tips for tightening the skin on your face or body.

You Can Start by Trying Lotions and Creams

If you’re only experiencing minor skin sags, lotions and creams might be able to help you over time. Look for over the counter creams that contain vitamins, minerals, and retinol. You can check out some Beverly Hills MD discount coupons if you would like to try out these types of products as well as supplements, or go into your local store to see what is available.If you prefer, you can also ask your dermatologist for a prescription cream that’s a bit stronger than the ones you would find at your local drugstore. Just remember that most creams and lotions are better at preventing issues than curing them, or they will at least take a long time before you’ll see a change for the better.

Another Good Alternative is Thermage Treatment

You could also try a treatment called Thermage. Thermage treatment comes in several forms. One of the strongest is called Thermage CPT. All forms work the same way. They use radio frequencies to sort of stir up the skin cells and trigger natural healing processes within the body. Most Thermage treatments are so easy that they don’t even require pain medication.

Laser Treatments Can Fix Many Skin Issues

Of course, the most well-known of the skin tightening options is laser skin therapy. Lasers come in a variety of styles and strengths, and each one also has its own purpose. Some types of skin treatment equipment are devoted to removing wrinkles and reducing sagging skin.

The trick to pinpointing the proper laser procedure for you is to weigh your options against your current skin condition. That means that you really should talk to a dermatologist or skincare expert who can measure how oily or dry your skin is, assess its color and thickness, and look at any other skin conditions you may have. Generally, that process will narrow your laser therapy options down to just one or two treatment types.

Ultrasound and Other Therapies May Also be Worth Trying

Ultrasound therapy, also known as ultherapy, is another option for reducing sagging skin. However, unlike some laser treatments and other therapies that can be done on multiple body parts, ultherapy is most often performed on the neck or the face. Ultherapy is a very precise treatment method. Your technician will be able to track your progress via ultrasound, as well as using the sound waves themselves to stimulate healing in your body on a cellular level.

Beyond ultrasound treatments, you can also explore other options, such as Botox injections or chemical peels. While neither of those treatments can actually tighten your skin cells like the methods above can, they can still give you the appearance of tighter skin without you having to go under a surgeon’s knife. Botox simply fills in pockets to make skin look and feel more full and round. Chemical peels strip away dead skin cells so that the healthy ones can take over. Again, that will make your skin look a little tighter.

There really is no right or wrong answer that suits everyone. You have to choose the skin tightening treatment that will do the best job for you. Be sure to look at each option carefully before you narrow it down to your preferred solution.