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Nature Made®Digestive Probiotics + Walmart Gift Card Giveaways

This post was sponsored by Nature Made® as a part of an Ambassador Program for Influence Central. Walmart is my go-to store for almost everything that my household needs. My hubby and I usually make a trip to the store at least once a week.  Walmart has everyday low…

Inexpensive Yet Stylish Prescription Sunglasses

I am a thrifty shopper. I usually look for discounted or inexpensive stuff but always look for value. The first time I heard about inexpensive yet stylish eyeglasses at Zenni, I thought it was too good to be true. I did not try shopping at their site until a couple…

Managing Your Kitchen Like a Pro

Everyone might believe that their kitchen is organized like a professional restaurant, but there are stark differences between these two entities. Sparkling and clean kitchens are the hallmarks of professional spaces because they’re inspected on a regular basis. Your kitchen can look like a professional space with just…

Dollar to Peso Exchange Rate

The US dollar to Philippine peso exchange rates have been falling. Most of the time I use an online remittance company to send money to my family in the Philippines and like most remittance companies, the exchange rate they use is often lower than the market rate. I am certainly…

Wild Blueberry Milk Shakes

Summer is coming to a close.  Many of us are now gearing up for the cold winter months ahead.  I am not ready yet for the frigid weather up north and I actually don’t even want to think about it.  Ready or not, the cold breeze in the…

Fitness Gadget

This is my fitness companion. I have been using this watch for some time now, especially when I am running, doing yoga or zumba. I even use it when doing household chores because I am curious how many calories I burn just doing regular things around the house. The device…

Nutritional Snack Option

This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of Balance Bar for Mom It Forward. All opinions are 100% mine. Normally, I try to practice a laid back lifestyle but during summer, things get a little crazy. I get busy fishing, gardening and hunting the woods for delicacies…