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Category: Health & Beauty

Liquid Folic Acid

Folic acid is a water-soluble B vitamin used to treat folic acid deficiency and anemia, especially in women. It is also an essential vitamin for expecting mothers. Extensive research studies have shown that adequate intake of folic acid helps prevent or minimize the risks of urinary tract anomalies, limb…

Invisalign for Adults

The quest to achieving the perfect smile may not be easy but those unlucky enough to have grown crooked teeth can have these realigned for a better appearance. In the past, traditional metal braces were used, often by children and teens, to realign their teeth to achieve a perfect smile…

Prenatal Multivitamin

Pregnant women need a wide range of vitamins and minerals to ensure the proper growth and health of the baby they are carrying in the womb. That is one of the main reasons why expectant mothers are encouraged to live a healthy lifestyle and drink prenatal multivitamin. Always, it is…

Fysiko Eyelash Growth Serum

I begin using the Fysiko Eyelash Growth Serum today, 14th of February, 2014. I was selected to use this product for sixteen weeks and I am grateful for the opportunity. I have been wanting to grow my weak and frail lashes but I did not have the courage to try…

Cancer: It can happen to anyone

Many lives have been wasted because of cancer. Cancer is said to be one of the oldest ailment that had affected humanity but still immunity cannot be found for it. Cancer then is of manifold types and as numerous as the number of organs we have ad such does not…

Skin Cancer Symptoms

How vain are you when it comes to your skin? And how protective are you when it comes to your health? We, Filipinos cannot deny that we are so vain about our skin, that we are so crazy about how we can make them lightest and fairest as possible. Without…

Simple Tips for Preventing Acne

I normally don’t have serious problems with acne and when I do get it, it goes away quickly by itself. I usually only get it when I am about to start my menstruation period. I only get a little on my face and then it goes away quickly…