Organized Chaos: 5 Steps to Decluttering a Small Retail Store

Retail stores need to create a welcoming environment for customers and employees alike. If a potential customer feels overwhelmed by the crowded, disorganized mess that greets him or her upon walking through the door, the chances are that potential customer is just going to walk right back out. Plus, employees…

ISmokeFresh Collections of CBD Products

CBD is going mainstream. That is according to my recent observation. CBD products are all over the place, at least on the internet. The very first time I have ever heard about the word “CBD” was from my husband years ago. He told me about the many health benefits the…

How Your Eyes Age You and What Can Be Done

Your facial skin loses elasticity and begins to droop as you age, which affects every area of your face but especially your eyes. If you’re experiencing sagging or drooping eyelids, puffy deposits of fat under your eyes, or wrinkles and crows feet around your eyes, there are reliable treatment…

Difference Between Silicone and Saline Implants

The most common enhancement procedure of the female form is breast augmentation. While the surgery is performed for a cosmetic benefit, patients can also experience increased self- confidence following the enhancement. Women may have small breasts due to genetics or experienced a decrease in bust size following pregnancy. Others may…

4 Simple Tricks to Infuse Beauty Into Your Bathrooms

Bathrooms are, arguably, the most neglected spaces in homes. Many are designed to be primarily functional, with little emphasis on beauty. But a few basic changes can turn even the most boring bathroom into a charming space. Replacing a utilitarian vanity with one having character can make a big difference…

Do You Have a Leak in Your Home? These 5 Signs Will Tell You

Most homeowners notice immediately when toilets become clogged or water heaters break down, but not all plumbing problems are as obvious as those. Leaks often go undetected for days, weeks, or even months, wasting hundreds of gallons of water and causing untold damage before homeowners even notice it is occurring…

When Do You Know You’re Ready to Buy a Home?

Buying a home is a major decision. Do you find yourself asking the question should I rent or buy a house? There are pros and cons to each option. Read below to see if your answer is yes to buying or stick to renting. First, Calculate the Costs You’ll…