4 Reasons to Give a Tulo Mattress a Try

In today’s fast-paced epoch, most of us have a highly fluctuating schedule and catching an adequate amount of quality sleep each night is a luxury that few of us can afford. Studies show that the quality of our sleep is closely related to our choice of a mattress, among others. Many companies on the market offer a full spectrum of mattresses. Tulo is one of the top-rated ones enjoying grandiose reviews. The producer has a record of accomplishment and is not a newcomer to the market, which means that the market dictated the value of the Tulo mattress. An all-American-made mattress, Tulo is a chemical-free, all-foam mattress that comes in three levels of firmness and an innovative four-layer structure. The top-grade foams used in the manufacturing process have been tested and certified safe for us, as well as the environment.

Here are four reasons to give a Tulo mattress a try:

1. Three Firmness Level Alternatives
There is no such thing as the perfect mattress for all people as we all have very different sleeping needs. Well, Tulo has come up with three types of mattresses, each with a different firmness level, to suit as many personal preferences and requirements as possible:

• Soft Firmness
The soft bed is ideal for side sleepers and those who love a touch of luxury to their sleep. It warrants excellent pressure relieve in the shoulder and waist areas, which might make the soft variety an excellent choice for back sleepers as well if they have a preference for soft firmness.

• Medium Firmness
The medium firmness option grants a high level of comfort for most sleeping positions, especially for stomach sleepers. Couples who have dissimilar sleeping postures might find this alternative quite appropriate. For additional info, read the review on MattressMatchers!

• Firm Feel Alternative
The firmer form of the Tulo mattress is ideal for those seeking additional support. Firm and yet comfortable, it ensures adequate spinal alignment irrespective of sleeping position but is best suitable for back sleepers.

2. Ideal Blend of Support and Comfort
The all-foam layered structure guarantees minimum motion transfer, excellent pressure response and good point elasticity, and adaptability to all body shapes and sleeping positions due to its superb weight distribution across all three firmness level alternatives.

3. All-foam mattress with a Touch of Extra Bounciness
The Tulo mattresses are all-foam mattresses, and for those addicted to all-foam who trust neither hybrid nor innerspring surfaces, they are a dream come true. Each version of the Tulo mattress scores excellent in the motion isolation, comfort, and support chapters.
Furthermore, Tulo mattresses provide extra bounciness compared to other all-foam products, a fantastic feature that comes as a bonus given that most conventional memory foam mattresses come with a sinking feeling that doesn’t go well with all of us.

4. Cooling Sleeping surface
Traditional memory foam mattresses have a sticky, sweaty feel to them because foam can heat up pretty quickly. The Tulo mattresses, although all-foam products, use a peak and valley patterned comfort layer with added airflow properties to dissipate heat from the top layer.

The transition layer also has a strut-support structure that allows increased breathability and, with its excellent thermal conductivity, the air and heat no longer remain trapped within the mattress but circulate freely resulting in a comfortable and cooling sleeping surface. The Tulo mattress is just one of the many choices available on the mattress market today. It is a mattress-in-a-box option offering a 120-night risk-free trial. It is an affordable mattress with US-wide free shipping and returns. With a 10-year warranty, Tulo products are reliable and durable featuring high-density, stable, open-cell structure base foam ideal for reducing joint and muscle pain.

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