Design Your Backyard Deck Like A Pro

Image Source: Unsplash

Building a deck is usually the result of a need for additional space in the home. Decks are built to create more space for relaxation and enjoyment while maximizing the use of the outdoor property. Since this will be a place that is anticipated to hold a lot of traffic as well as a lot of positive memories, it should be designed to withstand the multitude of environmental factors that can hasten wear and tear. Searching ‘deck builders near me‘ will provide you with builders that would be happy to build your new decking and it would ensure that it is strong and stable to hold the traffic it will endure.

When planning to build and design your backyard deck, take note of the following elements:

Your Lifestyle

If you are among those using timber decking in Melbourne, you know that the top consideration in just about anything is the end client – and that is none other than you. Why do you want to build the deck and what is it for? Who will be using the structure and what purposes will it serve?

Everything about the deck should reflect your lifestyle. If you are the kind who loves inviting people over and hosting parties, then you might want a bigger deck using more durable materials for frequent traffic. If you are less extroverted and enjoy smaller gatherings, then a smaller size with a less open layout may suffice. If you spend a lot of time on your outdoor deck to relax, then make sure you design it to serve its purpose, which is to give you utmost comfort.

Your cooking preferences and dining style should also be taken into consideration. Some decks can be simple spaces where you can grill but not dine in, especially if you prefer eating indoors. Others will prefer more complex decks for their grills and smokers, as well as dining tables and chairs. A few others will want a full kitchen and a roof cover, along with a wood-fired oven or an outdoor fireplace.

Traffic Patterns

How often will people be at the deck? How many are expected to walk on these boards? In designing your backyard deck, anticipate the flow of traffic to maximize space as well as find materials that are better suited to the task. More durable timber flooring materials should be used on areas where people will frequent as well as for locations that will hold hefty furniture or equipment.

Size And Shape

Visually, the size of the deck should not overwhelm the house. Building an outdoor deck that is at most 20% of the entire property’s square footage is highly recommended. But, if you really want a large deck that can comfortably hold one neighborhood, then go ahead but find a layout and shape that does not make it look as if it’s engulfing the rest of the house.

Image Source: Unsplash

The Landscape

When you envision how the deck will look like, also take into account the surroundings. This is important not only aesthetically but in order to maximize the space. You can design a deck that is both functional and attractive. For example, if you look at the landscape and find that there is limited shade for your deck, then you might want to consider the addition of pergolas. If the area is not as vibrant or attractive as you want, then add a blossoming trellis or other garden structures that can perk up the scenery.

The Material

You’re probably designing a deck made of timber. That’s not a surprise considering that wood decks are popular for being naturally attractive and its durability. However, they also require the most maintenance compared to other decking materials so make sure you design the deck in a way that cleaning and maintaining the flooring materials in top quality is as easy as 123.

Image Source: Pixabay

By considering your lifestyle, foot traffic, materials you plan to use, the landscape as well as the size and shape of your property, it should now be easier for you to decide on the right backyard deck for you.

This article is published in partnership of Mediabuzzer