Get Your Samples of Depend Silhouette Active Fit Briefs

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I have not personally experienced bladder leakage but I know someone close to me who has. She has been having this problem for years.  The first thing that came to my mind when I found out was that, she is too young for that. Apparently, there are more people with bladder leakage in their 20s than those in their 80s. The average age of someone with bladder leakage is only 52 and more people with bladder leakage are 50 or younger than 60 or older. I was not aware of these statistics until recently.

Bladder leakage can be embarrassing if you don’t know of the right product that can give you the confidence and comfort you need. No one wants to wear a diaper like product so to help break down the stigma associated with the condition, Depend came up with the idea of Depend Silhouette Active Fit briefs. These briefs have the feel and look of real underwear. The Depend Silhouette Active Fit briefs are available in black and beige colors which fit with almost every outfit. The moderate absorbency pads trap odor and are thinly designed to provide complete comfort.  The Depend Silhouette Active Fit briefs are made of cotton-like fabric.

 photo DSC_0016-1_zpsow6iseel.jpgDepend is entering year three of Underwareness. It is a social movement and charitable cause to break down the bladder leakage stigma. As part of the Underwareness campaign, the Depend brand is encouraging people to show their support for women with bladder leakage. For every photo and video shared using #Underwareness and featuring Depend products, the Depend brand will donate $1, up to $3 million, through 2016 to fund charities that advance the research and education of bladder leakage.

When I vacationed to my native country, the Philippines, last month I told this someone who experiences bladder leakage that I would be sending some Depend Silhouette Active Fit briefs to her soon. I bought a Depend Silhouette Active Fit briefs pack that contains 12 lower rise briefs. I am sure she is anxious to receive them and looking forward to giving the Depend Silhouette Active Fit briefs a try.

Depend<sup>®</sup> Silhouette<sup>®</sup>Active Fit* for Women

If you are having bladder leakage problems, get your free samples of Depend Silhouette Active Fit briefs and a coupon now.