Revamp Your Smile With These Popular Dental Procedures

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We would all love that gleaning Hollywood smile, and with the latest cosmetic dental treatments, you can transform your appearance, and these treatments are not reserved for would-be movie stars or models, as thousands of Australians of all ages have benefitted from cosmetic dentistry. Here are a few details about some of the popular treatments available today from a top-rated cosmetic dentist.

  • Porcelain Veneers – Ultra-thin, porcelain veneers are affixed to the front of the teeth, and with perfect shade matching and expert shaping, this creates a new look. Not all teeth would be treated, only those that require the transformation – veneers are used to treat discoloration, gaps between the teeth, uneven teeth, and crooked teeth. The dentist would be highly-skilled, and with care, the veneers will last for many years.
  • Teeth Whitening – While there are over-the-counter teeth whitening kits, you are advised to search online for cosmetic dentistry in Chatswood and North Sydney and this will bring up a list of established cosmetic dental clinics. Laser teeth whitening offers you a range of shades. With a few sessions, you can have that radiant, healthy-looking white smile. Some dentists will recommend a combination of in-surgery sessions, with a take-home treatment also provided with full instructions. Of course, prior to any treatment, the dentist would make you aware of all the options and would give you post-treatment care instructions, and he or she would also recommend the best shade (which isn’t always brilliant white).
  • Dental Implants – Yes, implants are costly, but they do provide a permanent solution to missing teeth. Whether you need a single tooth, or a complete upper and lower set, dental implants can be inserted. The process involves screwing titanium pins into the jawbone. After a few weeks, the titanium bonds with the bone and tissue, which provides adequate support for the prosthetic tooth. The procedure has several steps, and the final procedure is to fit the prosthetic tooth onto the titanium pin with a special adhesive. Once complete, the implants look and feel like the real thing.
  • Invisalign – Clear plastic aligners are a great way to straighten your teeth. The device can be removed, which is ideal when eating, plus the device is virtually invisible when worn. Some people are self-conscious and would not wish to wear steel wire braces. Invisalign is a great alternative. Much like braces, the process takes a few months to a couple of years, depending on the severity of the crookedness. The device would need to be changed a few times, with some correction.
Female patient smiling in clinic Free Photo
Image Source: Freepik

If you would like to learn more about any of the above treatments, search online for a local cosmetic dentist and make an initial appointment, when the professional can see what is possible to improve your smile. Treatments are affordable and whether you would like porcelain veneers or a white shade of teeth, the cosmetic dentist has all the answers and can transform your smile.