Teeth Whitening: Is There Such a Thing as “Too White”?

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We’ve all seen the Hollywood star with shining teeth that just seem to glow with health and vitality, and while a set of whiter that white teeth may suit him down to the ground, it isn’t for everyone. We all have unique complexions and make-up, and with teeth colour, there’s no “one size fits all”, rather the cosmetic dentist would show you shades of teeth whitening that they felt would work for you. White has many shades, and there are a few that suit you, and if you have a tanned, dark complexion, then perhaps a whiter shade would look right.

Professional Evaluation

A visit to a leading cosmetic dental clinic, where you could ask about zoom teeth whitening, which offers fantastic results, would definitely be the best solution if you would like to know what shade would best suit you, and there are numerous teeth whitening treatments available. Remember that every person is unique, especially when taking skin colour and complexion into account, and a visit to a professional cosmetic specialist will reveal the optimum shade for you, and with a few sessions, you will definitely be happy with the results.

Deep Clean

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The dentist would likely recommend to have your teeth professionally cleaned by their resident hygienist, which allows the treatment to reach the enamel surface, giving a better result. There’s a right and a wrong way to do everything, and while over the counter teeth whitening kits seem attractive, they do not achieve the same results as a professional application, as the chemicals in the over-the-counter version are not concentrated enough to produce the desired results.

Artificial Looking

Simply put, gleaming bright white teeth look artificial, much like overdoing it with the bottle tan, and rather than aiming for the sky, talk with a qualified cosmetic dentist who can help you to choose the best shade. Your teeth should not be something that draws people’s attention, rather they should complement your look, and bright white is not always right.

Factors to Consider

When looking for the best shade of white for your teeth, there are a few things to consider:

  • Age
  • Skin Colour
  • Personality – A person who wears bold and bright colours would be more suited to brilliant white teeth.
  • Eye Colour

By searching for a top cosmetic dentist, you are taking the first steps to having the right teeth whitening treatment, and one that will really suit you.

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For many adults, their teeth are the one aspect of their appearance that they would like to change, and discolouration is part and parcel of the aging process, yet with innovative laser treatments, you can now literally select a shade of white and have the treatment.

More is not always the best, and regarding tooth colour, you need to factor in many aspects of the patient, which is why you should make an appointment with a specialist. An initial consultation would result in a selected shade that works for you, and it might take a couple of treatments to achieve the desired outcome, you will have a great set of teeth that complement you.

This article is published in partnership of Mediabuzzer